<p><strong>Daniel Cole</strong></p>

<p><strong><em>Toxic Mindsets That Impede Success – 2</em></strong></p>

<p><em>“The Lott ery Mentality”</em></p>

<p>THE masses love the lottery because deep down they believe it’s their only chance to get rich. The fact is, they’re probably right. Not because they’re not capable, but because they don’t have faith in their own abilities, and their belief about money limit their financial success. It is extremely difficult to create sustainable wealth with the hope that some set of numbers would be rolled in your favour. Sustained success is not a product of random chance, luck or any set of Powerball figures.</p>

<p>It is always ideal and more profitable to have some set of entrepreneurial skill, vision and goal, so that if peradventure, your expected set of lucky numbers do come through, the fund can be used for a viable business that would afterwards create a substantial return.I am not against the lottery, obviously, few have made a fortune out of it, but the concern is most of this money are not sustained, due to shortsightedness, lack of focus, goals and little or no entrepreneurial skill prior to winning. From an entrepreneurial point of view, each cents or rand used in playing, if saved overtime with a compounded interest should be enough to be used as a capital to start a profit yielding business. But in the mind of the player, this is inconsequential and too much a risk to take.</p>

<p>President Donald Trump once said, I would rather choose to own the casino machine to playing the casino. You’ve got to believe in your creative ability to create wealth, not standing in the queue for hours in the scorching sun or blistering cold waiting to play the unpredictable. You’ve got more than that. Wealth creation is a process, it’s a school and it’s a journey and you’ve got to enroll yourself. Invest time on reading books about wealth, read about the biographies of the affl uent – how they succeed and how most of them failed. “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.” Maximize every opportunity you have to educate yourself about wealth creation, subscribe to YouTube channels on wealth and wealth consciousness, download TEDx Talks on business, research how you can leverage on social media as a platform to market your business, join meaningful groups chat that educate your mind. You will add more value to yourself by using the “Quora” application and following informed minds than getting cheap likes on your posted filtered image on Instagram.</p>

<p>Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “It requires a great deal of boldness and a great deal of caution to make a great fortune, and when you have it, it requires ten times as much skill to keep it.” Success is not cheap, but it’s not difficult either. All you need to do is focus your mental and creative energy to solving worthwhile problems. See you at the top. Daniel Cole is an international motivational speaker, published author, entrepreneur and trainer. To read more of Daniel Cole articles, visit www. danielcole.co.za or send your feedback to info@danielcole. co.za</p>
Pathways to Success Series

Daniel Cole

Toxic Mindsets That Impede Success – 2

“The Lott ery Mentality”

THE masses love the lottery because deep down they believe it’s their only chance to get rich. The fact is, they’re probably right. Not because they’re not capable, but because they don’t have faith in their own abilities, and their belief about money limit their financial success. It is extremely difficult to create sustainable wealth with the hope that some set of numbers would be rolled in your favour. Sustained success is not a product of random chance, luck or any set of Powerball figures.

It is always ideal and more profitable to have some set of entrepreneurial skill, vision and goal, so that if peradventure, your expected set of lucky numbers do come through, the fund can be used for a viable business that would afterwards create a substantial return.I am not against the lottery, obviously, few have made a fortune out of it, but the concern is most of this money are not sustained, due to shortsightedness, lack of focus, goals and little or no entrepreneurial skill prior to winning. From an entrepreneurial point of view, each cents or rand used in playing, if saved overtime with a compounded interest should be enough to be used as a capital to start a profit yielding business. But in the mind of the player, this is inconsequential and too much a risk to take.

President Donald Trump once said, I would rather choose to own the casino machine to playing the casino. You’ve got to believe in your creative ability to create wealth, not standing in the queue for hours in the scorching sun or blistering cold waiting to play the unpredictable. You’ve got more than that. Wealth creation is a process, it’s a school and it’s a journey and you’ve got to enroll yourself. Invest time on reading books about wealth, read about the biographies of the affl uent – how they succeed and how most of them failed. “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.” Maximize every opportunity you have to educate yourself about wealth creation, subscribe to YouTube channels on wealth and wealth consciousness, download TEDx Talks on business, research how you can leverage on social media as a platform to market your business, join meaningful groups chat that educate your mind. You will add more value to yourself by using the “Quora” application and following informed minds than getting cheap likes on your posted filtered image on Instagram.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “It requires a great deal of boldness and a great deal of caution to make a great fortune, and when you have it, it requires ten times as much skill to keep it.” Success is not cheap, but it’s not difficult either. All you need to do is focus your mental and creative energy to solving worthwhile problems. See you at the top. Daniel Cole is an international motivational speaker, published author, entrepreneur and trainer. To read more of Daniel Cole articles, visit www. danielcole.co.za or send your feedback to info@danielcole. co.za

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